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3 min read
A Place in the Sun
My mother was an avowed sun worshipper. Her rituals were simple: don a bathing suit, set up the chaise longue in the backyard, lather on...

3 min read
A Canterbury Tale
On our first trip to England Robert and I traveled from London to Kent. While there we visited Canterbury Cathedral. All these years...

2 min read
The View at Longmeadow
I’m standing at the large, south-facing window in our shrine room practicing Chi Kung. The distant mountains are obscured by falling...

3 min read
Bring up the Boxes
“Leroy, it’s time we got the boxes up from the cellar.” These words set my young heart aflutter. Those boxes contained Grammy’s supply of...

3 min read
Trollope Interjects
“Of all the needs a book has, the chief need is that it be readable.” An Autobiography, 1883 For the past several months, I’ve been...

3 min read
Wild Gardener
A morning spent pulling weeds reminds me why my flower beds are in such a state of disarray: I hate gardening. Don’t get me wrong, I have...

2 min read
This month I celebrate my eighteenth retirement anniversary. For decades I’d honed the craft of teaching. I’d mastered the art of...

3 min read
Independence Day
July 4th, 1972. My then-husband is driving our Chevy van — our transportation and home for the past two months — up Main Street in this...

3 min read
The Elephant’s Secret
Our house was at the top of a short, steep hill in a town of many hills. We were surrounded by mountains. In addition to the famed...

2 min read
Part 3. The Evolution of Gluten-free
Part 3. The Evolution of Gluten-free Gluten, the ingredient that gives bread its texture, shape and resilience, is now blamed for a host...
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