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9 min read
A4 and The Great Beyond
We drove on roads covered with silt from the recent floods. The river ran turgid and swift carrying entire trees on its current, great...

4 min read
Worse Than Real Life
“Where’s your father?” my mother says. The kitchen smells of roast beef like it does most Sundays and my mother is stirring the gravy as...

2 min read
The Mountain is Out Today
For all their bulk and grandeur, mountains are as capricious as the weather. One day stark and majestic against a blue sky, the next...

3 min read
The Complete Idiot's Christmas
Christmas Eve, 1970. My husband and I are leaving his mother’s house on Long Island and heading to visit his dad in Hartford. We load...

3 min read
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
I can’t say when the hair follicles on my legs went into retirement, but I think it was around the time those on my chin began joining...

2 min read
First Stop, Brendizi
The street was dead quiet, empty of cars and pedestrians, the shops shuttered and dark. The cab rolled down the gleaming stone pavement...

4 min read
Brungot's Barn
The barn collapsed during the winter of '69-'70, the infamous year of the big snow. It wasn't the only building that succumbed that...

5 min read
Messing About
I wipe my smudged hands on my apron, then with my index finger swirl the yellow and orange of the stars as they blaze against the vivid...

2 min read
My Grandmother's Rocker
Near a window in the den of the house I grew up in sat my grandmother’s rocking chair. It wasn’t an ordinary rocker; it was a platform...

5 min read
Of Dinks and Droods
Once we were DINKS. You might remember that somewhat dubious distinction from the 1980's. We were given that unflattering label because...
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